Having one of the premier hair loss solutions centers in the Twin Cities means we get a lot of questions about hair loss and hair loss solutions. So we want to share that information with you! Take our 10-question quiz to see what you know about hair loss!
When should I come in to have my scalp health evaluated?
a. When I have had no noticeable hair changes
b. When I have noticed some thinning (hair in my brush or coming out in the shower)
c. When I have significant hair loss
d. All of the above
What preventative measures can I take to avoid hair loss?
a. Using proper product, tools, and a consistent regimen
b. Following your stylist’s recommendations
c. Getting a scalp analysis
d. All of the above
When I notice my hair is thinning – What are my options?
a. Get a consultation of what would be needed for your hair so you can maintain your own hair.
b. Micro-point links – you can add up to 1200 more pieces of hair into your hair
c. Buy higher quality hair tools and products
d. All of the above
What causes my hair to thin or fall out?
a. Hormonal changes, stress, or diet
b. Medical issues
c. Aging
d. All of the above
At what age should I start hair loss prevention efforts?
a. 20 – 30
b. 30 – 40
c. 40 – 50
d. Over 50
What does a “healthy” scalp mean?
a. You’ve got 2-4 hairs per follicle, thicker diameter hair, a pinkish color to your scalp, and open area around the hair shaft growing out of the scalp.
b. When you look at your scalp it is bright white and dry.
c. Your scalp constantly looks like you have sunburn and it is sensitive to the touch.
d. All of the above
How much hair loss is normal?
a. 50-100 hairs per day (I rarely see hair on my brush or towel)
b. 100-150 hairs per day (a couple strands come out on my brush when I brush my hair)
c. 150-200 hairs per day (I consistently find multiple hairs in my brush)
d. More than 200 hairs (I constantly am finding hair in my brush, on my towel, and on my bathroom counter)
My doctor told me I have alopecia, what can I do?
a. Come in for a consultation to understand options available.
b. Understand different types of hair products (from partial to full hair treatments) that could work to conceal certain types of alopecia.
c. Understand scalp treatments that may help.
d. All of the above
Which of the following does not damage your hair?
a. Chlorine
b. Sun
c. Water
d. All of the above
What is the difference between breakage and hair loss?
a. Hair breakage is reversible and can be treated and Hair loss is irreversible.
b. Hair breakage is irreversible and hair loss is reversible and can be treated.
c. Hair breakage and hair loss are both reversible and can be treated.
d. None of the above.
1) D – All of the above! Getting a scalp analysis can evaluate for oily, dry, product build up, blood circulation to your scalp which matters at any age. It’s really important to cleanse the scalp to create a healthy environment for your own hair to grow.
2) D – All of the above! Did you know that friction can increase hair breakage? This means that even the wrong pillow cases, towels, or brushes can cause hair breakage because all increase friction on your hair. The wrong products and hair tools (i.e. tools that get too hot or products that cause build up), opens-up the cuticle and can cause your hair to break (or even the wrong brush can pull and break your hair).
3) D – All of the Above! Scalp massages, lasers, and consultations helps create a healthy scalp. Cold lasers, topical treatments, and using high quality products all help promote a healthy environment on your scalp.
4) D – All of the Above! Try to get your stress under control, or talk with your doctor about any medical issues you may be facing because both of those can cause your hair to thin (or fall out).
5) A – 20 – 30 years old. Why so young?! Your Lifestyle, diet, and the environment are impacting even high schoolers who are seeing receding hair loss lines as early as 18 years old.
6) A – A healthy scalp means that you’ve got 2-4 hairs per follicle, thicker diameter hair, a pinkish color to your scalp, and open area around the hair shaft growing out of your scalp. Creating a healthy scalp so your own hair can grow helps you maintain your own hair. But even if you don’t have hair, if you have a shaved head or lost hair during chemo, pregnancy, etc. you need a healthy scalp so your own hair can grow back!
7) B – 100-150 hairs per day. Things that can help you retain as much hair as possible are vitamins (ones with biotin) and a healthy diet; both of which can definitely impact your daily hair loss. These are both very important to maintaining health hair growth. Discuss with your doctor about any vitamin regimen and dietary concerns you may have before making any changes.
8) D – All of the above! You have many options if your doctor has told you that you have alopecia. Different solutions and their success depend on what type of alopecia you have and at what stage of hair loss is in. Feel free to discuss these options with your doctor and the staff at Fantasia!
9) C – Water. But salt, sun, and chlorine water can really dry out your hair so a hat is incredibly important to wear during the summer. Also if you are in a dry or hot environment you may also need to vary how much conditioner you use to retain moisture in your hair. Dry hair can cause breakage to your hair.
10) C – Hair breakage and hair loss are reversible and can be treated. The key is catching it early and deploying treatments that can help stop and even reverse hair breakage and hair loss. Follow the recommendations from your stylist and seek solutions early at the first sign of hair loss or hair breakage to prevent the damage from being too great. Then you can keep as much of your own healthy hair for as long as you can!
Regardless of your hair loss knowledge, Nedia Salon is here for you to help you through any of your hair needs. Check out the services we offer online or schedule an appointment for a hair loss consultation.